Department of Finance

Bill Poole
Director of Finance and Senior Advisor
Bill Poole was appointed as the director of the Alabama Department of Finance by Governor Kay Ivey on August 1, 2021, after representing the citizens of House District 63 as a member of the Alabama House of Representatives. On November 17, 2021, Gov. Ivey selected Director Poole to also serve as her senior advisor.
As the state’s chief financial officer, Poole serves as an advisor to the governor and the Alabama Legislature in all financial matters and is charged with protecting the financial interests of the state of Alabama. He is responsible for the administration and oversight of the Department of Finance and serves on various advisory boards and authorities.
Poole served as the House Ways and Means education chairman, the committee that oversees the Education Trust Fund (ETF), for the last eight years. Under his legislative leadership, priority initiatives such as high-quality pre-K, literacy, broadband, workforce development and career technical training received increased appropriations to ensure Alabama’s students are college and career ready post-graduation from high school.
A native of Marengo County, Poole was first elected to House District 63 in 2010. A graduate of the University of Alabama and the University of Alabama School of Law, he has worked in private practice since 2004. He has previously worked for the Committee on Ways and Means in the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, D.C.
Poole and his wife, Niccole, have three children.