Governor Ivey Announces Alabama Receives Best Business Climate Ranking by Business Facilities Magazine
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Tuesday announced that Business Facilities, an economic development-focused publication, ranked Alabama’s business climate at the top among the sta…

Governor Ivey Announces BAE Systems to Create New Jobs with Alabama Expansion
LONDON – Governor Kay Ivey welcomed plans by global defense contractor BAE Systems to launch a major expansion that will create a substantial number of jobs and add new capabilities a…

Governor Ivey Announces Carpenter Technology Corporation Plans for Alabama Emerging Technology Center
LONDON – Governor Kay Ivey joined executives of Philadelphia-based Carpenter Technology Corporation at the Farnborough International Airshow on Monday to announce plans for adding an …

Governor Ivey to Lead Alabama Team at Farnborough International Airshow
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey is leading a team of Alabama economic development specialists to the 2018 Farnborough International Airshow for meetings aimed at accelerating growth in…