2017 Archives

Dissolution of Committees, Commissions, Councils, Task Forces, and other such entities

Governor Ivey Appoints Jim Purcell and Todd Cotton to Cabinet Posts
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey announced on Wednesday that she has appointed James “Jim” Purcell, Sr. as Acting Secretary of Information Technology and Todd Cotton as Acting Commi…

Governor Ivey Signs Executive Order Regarding Task Forces, Commissions and Councils Created by Executive Order
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Wednesday signed Executive Order 3 disbanding 18 task forces, commissions and councils established by the previous administration. “I believe stron…

Governor Ivey Appoints George Day to 16th Judicial Circuit in Etowah County
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey announced on Monday the appointment of George C. Day, Jr. as a judge on Alabama’s Sixteenth Judicial Circuit in Etowah County. Judge Day is filling th…

Governor Ivey Appoints Lynn Beshear as Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health; Announces Additional Cabinet and Staff Changes
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey has appointed Lynn Beshear as Commissioner of the Alabama Department of Mental Health. “I am honored to appoint Lynn Beshear as Commissioner of the De…

James Taylor Pursell Day
Proclamation By the Governor of Alabama WHEREAS, James “Jimmy” Taylor Pursell was born on July 3, 1930 in Talladega, Alabama. Mr. Pursell attended Auburn University and graduated in…

National Baton Twirling Week
Proclamation By the Governor of Alabama WHEREAS, the baton twirling movement has affected the lives of American girls and boys, and now has nearly one-half million active participants; …

Canada Day
Proclamation By the Governor of Alabama WHEREAS, Canada’s national holiday is celebrated on July 1st. Canadians across the country and around the world show their pride in their histo…

Alabama High School All-Star Sports Week
Proclamation By the Governor of Alabama WHEREAS, the state of Alabama supports the concept of the student athlete and the benefits that athletic programs provide the youth of our state;…