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Governor Ivey Announces Director of Alabama Fusion Center Receives National Director of the Year Award
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey is pleased to announce the director of the Alabama Fusion Center (AFC) on Wednesday, Nov. 8, in Alexandria, Va., received this year’s National Fusion…

Governor Ivey Releases Statement on Death of Macon County Official Harold Powell
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Wednesday released a statement on the passing of Macon County official Harold Powell, while on a state economic development trip to Italy. “It is w…

Apprenticeship Week
Proclamation By the Governor of Alabama WHEREAS, registered apprenticeship programs develop Alabama’s workforce by providing opportunities for job-seekers, students and youth to gain …

Expanding the Alabama Executive Veterans Network Known as AlaVetNet

Governor Ivey Promotes Veterans Day through Proclamation and Executive Order
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Wednesday proclaimed Saturday, November 11, 2017 as Veterans Day in the state of Alabama and signed Executive Order 712 expanding the purpose of the …

Governor Ivey Announces Free Alabama State Park Entry for Veterans
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey announced on Wednesday that, in conjunction with the Alabama Legislature and the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, entry into A…