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Department of Human Resources
http://dhr.alabama.gov/ Commissioner Buckner has served as Commissioner of the Department since September 2008. She has over 37 years experience in the human resources field including s…

Emergency Management Agency
http://ema.alabama.gov/ Brian Hastings was appointed as the Director of the Alabama Emergency Management Agency by Governor Kay Ivey. Hastings was born in 1968, in Germany, to a U.S. Ar…

Department of Economic and Community Affairs
http://adeca.alabama.gov/ Governor Kay Ivey appointed Kenneth W. Boswell as Director of the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs in May 2017. Boswell served as the 20th …

Department of Early Childhood Education
http://children.alabama.gov/ Secretary Jeana Ross was appointed by Governor Robert Bentley in 2012. Under her leadership, the Department of Early Childhood Education has maintained the …

Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
http://www.outdooralabama.com/ Chris Blankenship was appointed as the Commissioner of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources by Governor Kay Ivey on August 11, 201…

Department of Commerce
http://www.madeinalabama.com/ Greg Canfield was appointed as director of the Department of Commerce on July 18, 2011 by Governor Robert Bentley. Prior to joining Commerce, Canfield serv…

Banking Department
http://banking.alabama.gov/ Michael E. Hill was appointed Superintendent of the Alabama State Banking Department on July 5, 2016. Prior to his appointment as superintendent, Hill served…

Department of Insurance
http://www.aldoi.gov/ Jim L. Ridling, a native Arkansan who has lived and worked in Montgomery since 1987, was appointed Insurance Commissioner by Gov. Bob Riley in 2008. Commissioner R…

Governor’s Office of Minority Affairs
https://goma.alabama.gov Nichelle Williams Nix was sworn in as a member of the Governor’s cabinet in May 2016, when the Governor signed into law legislation establishing the Governor�…

Department of Corrections
http://doc.alabama.gov/ Colonel Jeff Dunn was first appointed as Commissioner of the Alabama Department of Corrections on April 1, 2015. Commissioner Dunn, a native of Alabama, comes to…