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Governor Ivey Announces Alabama’s Participation in the 2020 Girls Go CyberStart Challenge
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Friday announced that Alabama will participate in the 2020 Girls Go CyberStart Challenge. The Girls Go CyberStart Challenge is a skills-based competi…

ALEA Halloween Safety Message
Cpl. Jess Thornton shares Halloween safety tips from the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency. https://www.alea.gov/ (Governor’s Office, Lori Jhons)

Gov. Ivey Awards Grants to Battle Illegal Drugs in Alabama
MONTGOMERY— Governor Kay Ivey on Monday announced more than $1.4 million in grants are being awarded to continue the fight to reduce illegal drug use in the state by arresting those w…

Governor Ivey Makes Statement in Support of President Trump
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Friday issued the following statement in support of President Donald Trump. “We are witnessing an injustice on our democracy. Nancy Pelosi and the …