Press Releases

Governor Ivey Announces Creation of the Alabama Family Central Website
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Monday announced the creation of Alabama Family Central a comprehensive, easy-to-use web and mobile destination that offers parents and families, g…

Governor Ivey Awards $35 Million in CARES Act Funds for Alabama Health Care and Emergency Response Providers Grant Program
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Thursday awarded $35 million in Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) funds to establish the Alabama Health Care and Emergenc…

Governor Ivey Announces Creation of the Alabama Prison Repurposing Commission
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Tuesday via Executive Order 722 established the Alabama Prison Repurposing Commission to conduct a thorough evaluation of the Alabama Department of C…

Governor Ivey Establishes The Alabama STEM Council
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Monday announced that she has signed Executive Order NO. 721 establishing the Alabama STEM Council. The council will advise state leadership on ways …

AT&T Donates $100,000 to Governor’s Emergency Relief Fund to Support Communities Impacted by Hurricane Sally
MONTGOMERY – AT&T* will present a $100,000 contribution to the Governor’s Emergency Relief Fund (GERF) in Alabama to aid communities impacted by Hurricane Sally. GERF was create…

Gov. Ivey: Company plans $87 million peanut shelling facility in Atmore
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey announced today that Coastal Growers LLC plans to build a peanut shelling plant in Atmore, bringing 100 or more jobs to the area and turning the Escambi…

Governor Ivey Awards $10 Million in CARES Act Funds to Support Tourism Industry Recovery Program
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Monday announced that she has awarded $10 million in Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) funds to support the Tourism Indus…

Governor Ivey Announces $300 Million in CARES Act Funds to be Allocated to the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund to Prevent Business Closures and Layoffs
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Thursday announced that Alabama will be re-allocating $300 million in CARES Act funds to Alabama’s Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund. The funds wil…

Governor Ivey Announces $72.34 Million in CARES Act Funds for Higher Education
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Thursday awarded $72.34 million of the Coronavirus Relief Fund for higher education institutions to support the purchase of technology and infrastruc…

Governor Ivey Announces $1.5 Million for Local Road and Bridge Projects
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey and the Alabama Department of Transportation on Wednesday announced that $1.5 million in state funding is being awarded to cities and counties for vario…