Executive Order 583
Amendment 4: Allowing for Consideration of a Certificate of Need Application for a Veterans' Home in Enterprise, Alabama

Governor Ivey Announces ATRIP-II Projects for 2021
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey and the Alabama Department of Transportation on Tuesday announced that more than $45 million in funding is being awarded to cities and counties for vari…

Gov. Ivey: Resource Fiber plans groundbreaking bamboo products manufacturing plant in Alabama
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey announced today that Resource Fiber, a national leader in efforts to manufacture commercial bamboo products, plans to establish its first full-scale pro…

Governor Ivey Announces Alabama Airports Contribute $4.9 Billion Annually to State and Local Economies
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Monday announced that the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) Aeronautics Bureau released the summary findings of the 2020 Statewide Airport…