Press Releases

Alabama Wins 2017 Silver Shovel Award for Economic Development
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey announced on Friday that Area Development, a national publication, has selected Alabama for its Silver Shovel Award, a top honor recognizing the state�…

Governor Ivey Announces Alabama Summer Achievement Program Pilot to Promote Literacy
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey, in conjunction with Montgomery Public Schools, the Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education, the Alabama State Department of Education, and …

Governor Ivey Announces Alabama Sentry Program to Train Administrators in School Security
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Wednesday announced the Alabama Sentry Program which provides for an additional security measure in schools that do not have a School Resource Of…

Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama Preparing for Next Generation Engines
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey joined Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama LLC President and CEO Dong Ryeol Choi Tuesday to announce that Hyundai is investing $388 million to const…

Governor Ivey Issues State of Emergency in Preparation for Subtropical Storm Alberto
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey has issued a State of Emergency effective at 6:00 a.m. Sunday, May 27, 2018, for several Alabama counties in preparation for Subtropical Storm Alberto. …

Governor Ivey Announces Deployment of National Guard Soldiers to Southwest Border
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey, at the request of the Trump Administration and upon the recommendation of the Alabama Adjutant General, Maj. Gen. Sheryl Gordon, has approved the deplo…

Governor Ivey Announces Alabama Tourism Growth of $1 Billion
BIRMINGHAM – Governor Kay Ivey announced on Tuesday that the Alabama travel industry grew by $1 billion in 2017, to a record of $14.3 billion in expenditures, and increased jobs by 7,…

Governor Ivey Transmits Letter to Board of Pardons and Paroles Advocating Denial of Parole for Judith Ann Neelley
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Monday sent a letter to members of the Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles requesting they deny Judith Ann Neelley release on parole. Neelley was co…

Governor Ivey Signs Five Bills into Law Supporting Military, Veterans, and Their Families
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey, during a bill signing ceremony Monday, signed four bills supporting veterans and the military. The governor signed House Bills 58, 83, 88 and 92. Earli…

Alabama Wage and Salary Employment at Ten-Year High
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey announced on Friday that Alabama’s wage and salary employment measured 2,039,200 in March, the highest since December 2007. Over the year, wage and sa…