Press Releases

Governor Ivey Prepares State Resources Ahead of Potential Severe Weather
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Friday announced that the state of Alabama is making necessary preparations ahead of the potential severe weather. The threat of impact is anticipate…

Governor Ivey Appoints Dr. Tommie Stewart to State Board of Education
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Tuesday appointed Dr. Tommie ‘Tonea’ Stewart to represent District 5 on the Alabama State Board of Education. Governor Ivey spoke with Dr. Stewar…

Governor Ivey Says Birmingham Northern Beltline Construction to Continue
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Thursday announced that construction of the Birmingham Northern Beltline will resume soon thanks to funding secured by U.S. Senator Richard Shelby. F…

Governor Ivey Announces $33 Million Renewal Grant Awarded to Early Childhood Education
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Wednesday announced that the Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education was awarded $33 million by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Servi…

Gov. Ivey Awards more than $2.5 Million for Emergency Housing Assistance Across AlabamaGov. Ivey Awards more than $2.5 Million for Emergency Housing Assistance Across Alabama
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Tuesday announced that she has awarded grants totaling more than $2.5 million to help homeless Alabamians with immediate housing assistance and to he…

Gov. Ivey Awards more than $2.5 Million for Emergency Housing Assistance Across Alabama
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Tuesday announced that she has awarded grants totaling more than $2.5 million to help homeless Alabamians with immediate housing assistance and to he…

Governor Ivey Invites Alabamians to Join for Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey has invited Alabamians to, once again, join her for the official state Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. The program is scheduled for Friday, December 6…

Governor Ivey Announces Born Ready Statewide Movement
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey and Secretary of Early Childhood Education Jeana Ross on Tuesday announced Born Ready, a statewide movement focused on raising awareness among Alabama p…

Gov. Ivey Awards $1 million for 2020 Census Outreach
to support efforts to promote, educate and encourage participation among Alabamians in the 2020 Census. The funds provided by the Legislature will go to 34 government agencies and organ…

Governor Ivey Announces Qualified Developer Teams for Alabama Prison Program Request for Proposal
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey and the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) announced today that four developer teams have qualified to receive the Request for Proposal (RFP) to i…