Governor Ivey Announces More Local Projects Funded by Rebuild Alabama

MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey on Thursday announced that more than $2 million in state funding is being awarded to cities and counties for various road and bridge projects.
The funding is made available through the Annual Grant Program, a program created under the Rebuild Alabama Act. The Rebuild Alabama Act, overwhelmingly passed by the Legislature and signed by Governor Ivey in 2019, requires ALDOT to establish an annual program setting aside $10 million off the top of the state’s share of new gas tax revenue for local projects.
“I have said it time and again, but Alabama’s roads and bridges needed some work, but we are making substantial progress thanks to Rebuild Alabama. These projects we are announcing today are further proof of why these funds are critical to the well-being of our state,” said Governor Ivey. “Folks in all corners of Alabama and in areas big and small are seeing real results, and that will continue. In my time as governor, we have embarked on more than 1,500 road and bridge projects across almost all 67 counties, worth north of $5 billion. No doubt, Rebuild Alabama is a major contributor to that.”
10 projects were selected for this round of funding. Of those awarded projects, cities and counties also contributed a total of over $2 million in local matching funds. Matching funds are not required to be eligible.
An additional round of local projects is expected later this year. It is anticipated that a number of projects will be under contract by the end of this year. All projects are required to move forward within one year of the awarding of funds.
This is the third year of the Annual Grant Program, with more than $27 million in funding for local projects across the state awarded since 2020.
For more information about the Annual Grant Program, visit the program’s dedicated webpage at
ALDOT’s mission is to provide a safe, efficient, environmentally sound transportation network across Alabama. For additional information, visit
The list of projects can be viewed here.
Provided by the Office of the Governor of Alabama |