October, 2017 Archives

President Trump Approves Governor Ivey’s Request for Presidential Emergency Declaration
MONTGOMERY – President Donald Trump on Sunday approved Governor Kay Ivey’s request for a Presidential Emergency Declaration for the State of Alabama. The President declared that an…

President Trump Approves Governor Ivey’s Request for Presidential Emergency Declaration
MONTGOMERY – President Donald Trump on Sunday approved Governor Kay Ivey’s request for a Presidential Emergency Declaration for the State of Alabama. The President declared that an…

Governor Ivey Issues Statewide State of Emergency, Asks Residents to Prepare for Tropical Storm Nate
MONTGOMERY– Governor Kay Ivey on Thursday issued a statewide State of Emergency in anticipation of the potential impacts for Tropical Storm Nate. According to the National Hurricane C…

Governor Ivey Announces $3 Million in AmeriCorps State Program Investments
MONTGOMERY – Governor Kay Ivey announced Wednesday that the Governor’s Office of Volunteer Services has received $1,727,919 in funding from the Corporation for National and Communi…

Raoul Wallenberg Day
Proclamation By the Governor of Alabama WHEREAS, in January 1944, the United States War Refugee Board asked Sweden to send a representative to Hungary to organize rescue operations for …

Color the World Orange Day
Proclamation By the Governor of Alabama WHEREAS, Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic pain condition that most often affects one limb (arm, leg, hand, or foot) usually aft…